Theme: Body as territory
How very important it is when chaos threatens, to draw an inflatable, portable territory. If need be, I’ll put my territory on my own body. I’ll territorialize my body: the house of the tortoise, the hermitage of the crab, but also tattoos that makes the body a territory.[i]
For the second issue of the territory in between we invite local artists and writers to contribute works that question, interrogate or discuss the idea of body as territory.
As Deleuze and Guattari suggest tattoo art is a blatant means by which we territorialise our own bodies but can such a notion also be applied to other forms of expression to do with the body? Think of fashion or dance, particularly that clearly associated with specific sub-cultures.
Conversely, think of other acts that demonstrate control over ones body or perhaps control exerted by people or groups over the body or bodies of others. Are such acts in fact acts of territorialisation?
Moreover is, as Deleuze and Guattari suggest, the physical marking of ones body as territory a response to chaos? Or is there something more at play? How does this notion apply to both the human and the animal world?
Also if our body forms part of our territory, what spaces do we create between this territory we mark in our body and the bodies and territories of others?
Ideally non-fiction or fiction prose will be between 400-2000 words. Poetry can be considerably shorter or be a series of poems.
Photography, short film or other digitally accessible artworks can be featured in a variety of formats. Think creatively.
[i] Deleuze and Guattari, A thousand Plateaus, Trans Brian Massumi ,Continuum International Publishing Group 2004, P 353
Rod Moss, Anatomy Lesson 2012;
image courtesy the artist